At Holy Cross we care about youth.
The Events Below are designed to bring your Middle or High School youth into connection with other Christian Youth, with Jesus through his word, and with the community and world through service. Many of these events are Organized together with youth and Youth Leaders from LCMs churches across Spokane.
All The Events Below are For:
Middle School youth (6th-8th Grade)
High School Youth (9th-12th Grade)
& Friends!
Youth Ministry Updates
Sunday Morning Youth Bible Study
We will be taking a break from our Sunday morning youth bible study for the summer. We will resume in the fall. More details to come.
Youth Group
Starting in July 2024, youth group will be held on a consistent day/time every month. It will be every second Sunday of the month from 12:30-4:30 PM at Holy Cross with lunch provided. We will let you know far in advance if there are any month in which we will be hosting special events that deviate from this time and location.
Apply for the Youth Ministry Team
We are putting together a team of lay leaders to serve as our Youth Ministry Team! This team will work alongside our Youth Ministry Program Coordinator to plan and lead youth events. All adult members of the congregation who would like to serve and mentor our youth are encouraged to apply! This team will also be instrumental in the planning of Holy Cross’ Youth Gathering trip happening summer 2025. However, you do not need to be able to attend the Gathering trip to be on the Youth Ministry Team. Click here to apply.
2025 Youth Gathering
The next Youth Gathering is coming up in the Summer of 2025, all youth entering 9th grade to 12th grade, or who have just graduated High School as of that summer are welcome to attend. Start thinking ahead now! It will be in New Orleans, LA. , July 19-23, 2025. The theme is “Endure” based on Hebrews 12:1-3. Interest forms are available in the church Narthex for both youth and adults who are hoping to attend. If you have any questions about the Gathering, contact Will Vogt, our Youth and Family Ministry Coordinator, either in person or via email at wvogt@holycrosslsms.net. You can also check out the Gathering’s website by clicking here.
Check out the fun from our Time at the Last LCMS National Youth Gathering
July 9-13, 2022 The LCMS National Youth Gathering in Houston, Texas
Several LCMS churches in Spokane are sending youth to the National Youth Gathering (NYG). Holy Cross’ group will be attending with Beautiful Savior Lutheran. The registration deadline for Holy Cross was October 17. We have three youth and three adults from Holy Cross signed up. NYG 2022 here we come!
Our Holy Cross & Beautiful Savior NYG Group 2022
First Selfie - Meeting at the airport at 4:30 am
Airport Snacks and downtime
View of Hotel pool and Lazy River from our Hotel Rooms
Thursday - July 7: We had a smooth, but slow travel day today! Everything went well, but we got our first taste of Houston traffic when we arrived downtown as the Astros game finished. The group kept their spirits up though, and we enjoyed dinner at the hotel and time at the pool. Tomorrow we’ll be tourist at Space Center Houston and the Kemah Boardwalk.
Friday Fun Day!
A tiring but fun day! Lots of sight seeing. And sweating but excited to start the gathering tomorrow with the first mass event.
Ready for this event to start!!
Opening Mass Event - Saturday Evening - Minute Maid Stadium
Over 19,000 youth from all over the United States
NYG Theme - In All Things!
Our seats at Minute Maid Stadium … such a BIG stadium!
Minute Maid Stadium Baseball field changed into a center to worship our Lord and Savior.
Saturday was our day to register, start planning our session options for the week, enjoy some more delicious Texas cuisine, and attend our first mass event. We finished the night with an epic fireworks show, and the whole event left our youth with the conclusion, “God is awesome!”
On Sunday, our group was selected to do an Off-Site Servant Event at the Houston Food Bank
Hard at work and getting some directions. Last year the Houston Food Bank provided 150 million meals to 18 counties in southeastern Texas!
Many hands make light work at the Houston Food Bank. Thanks so many eager NYG Volunteers.
Bus transportation to the Food Bank. We are eager to serve the local community in Houston!
Small Group time while waiting for things to start is always fun and games.
And the games continue….
Monday brought our groups first day of experiencing all the things in the big exhibit hall.
Selfie Time again! Our green shirts are not only cool but they stand out in the crowd of people.
We love the Mass Events and are developing stronger friendships.
Over 19,000 youth are loud, bright, and fun as we worship our Lord and Savior Jesus!
Holy Cross and Beautiful Savior group from Spokane WA! What a great group!
Monday started with Bible Study (with close to 4,000 people!) and was our first full day of sessions, speakers, and visits to the gigantic exhibit hall. We we’re confronted by just how great our own and our world’s need for reconciliation is, and comforted with reminders of Christ’s ability to reconcile ALL things!