We All Belong!

On a Delta Airlines flight this   summer to visit relatives in the  mid-west not only had the airlines installed screens with complimentary movies on the back of every seat but each also offered a choice of games—one of which was a search and find     picture. The photo was of a kitchen, or a living room, or some other highly decorated scene crowded with stuff.  There was a list of twenty items to the left that needed to be found in the picture. It sounds like a game a person might play with their preschooler, only this was no child’s play. It was hard, everything blended in, and the challenge of it really made the flight time pass quickly.

People are like that too, some of us  enter into rooms crowded with others and do our best to fade into the scene unnoticed. Some of us try to make sure we are noticed, going out of the way to interact or at least draw the attention of others. One we think of as an expression of  introversion and the  other extroversion.  Both are driven by an innate sense of belonging.  Slipping in unnoticed leaves the impression one belongs without  giving people   reason to question otherwise.  Seeking the affirmation of others in the room right away gives us reassurance that we do belong.


It’s interesting to look a the  variety of rooms we find Jesus in through the course of the Gospels, a Pharisee’s dining room (Luke 7), at tax     collector’s house (Matthew 9), a disciple’s home (Mark 1 & 2). It’s even more interesting to see who is there with him, who is hidden in the background: a sinful woman, more tax collectors, a  paralytic man. In each case there was  someone who didn’t feel like those people belonged in Jesus’ company, in Jesus’ story. Perhaps they didn’t themselves feel like they belonged. Yet Jesus makes sure that everyone knows that they do.


Jesus wants us each to know that we belong in his presence, among his people, as recipients of his grace.  Over the course of the last year we’ve had many more reasons to avoid rooms filled with people, but what toll has that taken on our sense of belonging? Does it feel odd going back into settings you’ve been away from for some time? Do you feel out of place?


We are never out of place with our Savior. When Jesus said, “come to me” (Matthew 11:28), he was inviting all people. When Jesus said, “remain in me” (John 15:4), he was encouraging us to stay with him. When Jesus said, “whoever comes to me, I will never cast out” (John 6:37), he was promising us we will always find a place to belong in him.


Your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ want you to be assured of that as well.  If you haven't been with us in worship a long time (due to COVID-19 or whatever) you still belong, because you belong to Jesus and that’s not going to change. We also have numerous new families, couples, and individuals who have begun worshipping with us in the last year. We want you to know you belong too.


In this newsletter you’ll find information about how to connect to our To Be Group Studies (Sundays or Weekdays), to connect to events, to connect to our God for Us get to know you group, and more. There’s no need to sneak in unnoticed, everyone belongs to Jesus.



Of One Mind


The togetherness of chruch